GBU has developed a unique method of study. Each course has a Student’s Study Guide which provides a workbook for the student. A qualified mentor will have the same workbook but with the answers. There are five parts to each course:
The questions and answers are based upon the text. There will be no answer that cannot be easily found within the material read. As much as possible, make sure the student uses a complete sentence when responding to the questions. Such discipline will help the student to learn to think clearly and logically.
This part of the course is designed to let the student interact with the Mentor on a one to one basis. While there is much freedom to respond, all responses should ultimately end within the framework of a Christian worldview and be defended by the Word of God.
Practical suggestions are offered on how the material studied can be applied in life.
The student is expected to memorize, and recite without help, the passages of Scripture indicated, in order to complete the individual course. Chapter and verse must be included in the memorization response.
This is a private and personal assessment of one’s own heart. It does not need to be shared or discussed. “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? — unless indeed you are disqualified.” 2 Cor. 14:5, NKJV For successful completion of the Grace Bible University program, each student is expected to read the text, answer all questions completely, review the material, and interact with the Mentor on the personal application and reflection section.
• Certificate of Ministry (30 Units)
• Associate Degree of Ministry (60 Units)
• Bachelor’s Degree of Theology (120 Units)
• Bachelor’s Degree of Ministry (120 Units)

P.O. Box 588
Bagdad, FL 32530